Project Aims
The wider objective of the projet is to:
- Reinforce & modernize libraries & improve the level of competencies and skills of library staff in HEI’s in Armenia, Moldova and Belarus by developing innovative libraries as a support to education and lifelong learning
- Develop a library staff development strategy focused on improving standards & quality of library performance in Armenia, Moldova & Belarus so as to improve the quality of library services & higher education generally, enhancing their relevance for the labor market and society.
- Enhance the management, governance, innovation capacities & accessibility of libraries in Armenia, Moldova & Belarus through strategic planning and policy development
- Establish & maintain an Eastern Partnership Library Network Support Services (LNSS) Network for the future dissemination, sustainability & exploitation of project results both nationally & in the Eastern Partnership Region for the sharing of knowledge, experience, training and expertise in the Region.
The specific objectives of the project are:
- Implement English for Specific Purposes (Libraries & library terminology) training for all target groups.
- Undertake in depth training needs detection and assessment with competency mapping
- Implement an innovative Train the Trainers programs as part of an LNSS Curriculum incorporating a suite of quality, relevant & modern library staff development modules addressing the most urgent training needs of 21st century librarians and library staff in the Information Age
- Develop and implement Information Literacy & Research Skills training programs in libraries to help learners identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively and ethically use information in their daily lives for lifelong learning and the Knowledge Economy
- Carry out Library Training Seminars & Workshops involving all Stakeholders for exchange of experience to improve the competencies & skills of Librarians
- Develop a Consortium Strategic Plan for the effective future development of libraries in Armenia, Moldova and Belarus -for each partner organization in the project
- To implement the Consortium Strategic Plan during the lifetime of the project to ensure sustainability of project results
- Conduct a needs analysis regarding Electronic Library Services & develop and implement a Digital and Electronic Strategy for the enhancement of Electronic Library services
- Explore the development & introduction of innovative library services –particularly online services
- Develop initiatives to ensure access to & democratization of libraries for people with disabilities
- To create a printed handbook of HR materials with the results of the training & the Library standardized processes
- Develop a Framework for a Library Collection Development Policy to meet the needs of academic staff and students in each Institute/University in the project.
LNSS will address critical problems gaps that exist both in Library service provision and in Library Staff Development leading to modern, relevant & accessible library services for all learners. Problems such as the poor level of competencies and skills of librarians and library staff in Armenia (YSULS 2014; (Ministry of Culture 2013); the need for more education and training to address the problem of Plagiarism in Belarus & Moldova (BSU 2014; Harconiță 2013) & the need for modernization & diversification of library services including the need to change library organizational structures will be addressed by the LNSS Curriculum- a comprehensive, modern suite of Library Staff Development courses covering all aspects of library services provision. The LNSS Curriculum will lead to a change in the situation set out in Part E because in breath, scale, quality & relevance it will be the first program of its kind held in these countries to address the training and development needs of ALL Librarians & library Staff- a program which is very much needed in PC countries.