Western Balkans

Aims & Objectives

The wider objective of the project is to:

The specific objectives of the project are:

Library standardized processes

By means of the LNSS Curriculum and Training LNSS will address critical problems gaps that exist both in Library service provision and in Library Staff Development leading to modern, relevant and accessible library services for all learners. Problems such as the lack of any "formal education for librarians at the HEI system level (UOM 2014); the urgent need for training of staff on Library Research skills "(UP 2014) 2014); poor knowledge and skills with regard to digital and electronic libraries; "poor access to use of the library capacity" (SVE 3014), "poor library equipment". LNSS address these problems through- a comprehensive, modern suite of Library Staff Development courses covering all aspects of library service provision. The LNSS Curriculum will lead to a change in the situation set out in Part E because in breath, scale, quality and relevance it will be the first program of its kind held in these countries to address the training and development needs of ALL Librarians and library Staff- a program which is very much needed in PC countries.