Reinforce & modernize libraries & improve the level of competencies and skills of library staff in HEI’s in Armenia, Moldova and Belarus by developing innovative libraries as a support to education and lifelong learning
Develop a library staff development strategy focused on improving standards & quality of library performance in Armenia, Moldova & Belarus so as to improve the quality of library services & higher education generally, enhancing their relevance for the labor market and society.
Enhance the management, governance, innovation capacities & accessibility of libraries in Armenia, Moldova & Belarus through strategic planning and policy development
Establish & maintain an Eastern Partnership Library Network Support Services (LNSS) Network for the future dissemination, sustainability & exploitation of project results both nationally & in the Eastern Partnership Region for the sharing of knowledge, experience, training and expertise in the Region.
The LNSS project will commence with the Project Kick off- PMC meeting to be held in Brasov in Nov 2015 where criteria and procedures for communications between partners, management and decision making structures and the functions of the Library Action Groups…
The Public Administration Academy of the Republic of Armenia (PAARA) will undertake activities to ensure sound management of the project and will perform the duties of authorizing officer and coordinator of the project.
The first year of the project started with the training and general library needs detection, analysis and competency mapping. And followed with the strategic review: Consortium strategic planning process initiated.
librarians, academic staff and students trained.
We developed 8 curriculum modules, covering such essential topics as marketing, management, electronic libraries, access for learners with special needs and more.