Library Network Support Services (LNSS), an initiative funded under the EU Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education (CBHE) funding programme, are proud, excited, and honoured to present the LNSS Library for Librarians online platform.
In collaboration with our Partners in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Montenegro and with the help and assistance of the crew at SpringShare we have created a “World First”.
The Western Balkan Online Library Platform is a highly inventive, innovative and unique collaborative reservoir of library related resources and expert content which can be used, shared and further developed by any Library or Information Centre to help develop their service.
Using this fabulous resource and platform, we have developed a host of resources, which are both in English and can be translated into the language of our Partners. The Platform is a pioneering development for libraries in the Western Balkan region. They are now part of the SpringShare international community, a unique global phenomenon of over 120,000 libraries from 80 countries that is growing exponentially.