Transylvania University of Brasov (UTBV)


University Transilvania of Brasov,, is an accredited higher-education public institution. Since then, the university has continuously developed currently being, by its educational offer, scientific research and number of students, one of the Romania’s largest university and the best reputed higher education institution in the Region 7 – Centre. UTBv has 18 faculties, more than 19.000 students. UTBv has over 685 teaching staff and more than 600 auxiliary employees. The faculties offer academic degree programs in a wide range of fields (from different engineering domains to economic and social sciences, humanistic sciences, medicine and music. The research activity is carried out within the largest research institute of a Romanian university, developed during 2009-2013 with a substantial contribution of European Social Funds.

Project link

Go HERE to see the link to the project on the partner website.

Contact, Angela REPANOVICI

Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania

Faculty of Product Design and Environment

Str. Universitatii nr.1, corp G, GI13, 500068, Brasov,  Romania

